Sunday, May 29, 2016

Shadow Falls

Shadow Falls Regional Park is really easy to find and a nice and popular spot.  The actual falls is more difficult to find than what you might expect from the St. Paul map. However now that I've been there the map makes a little bit more sense.  I thought the red on the map was the sidewalk and that you basically walk into the falls like you do over the river at Minnehaha.  Not so.  If you get there early enough to score a parking stall in the little lot you walk towards Summit on the sidewalk along Mississippi River Blvd (north - towards the overlook which is right off the parking lot).

A short ways you will come to a big sweeping curve and a triangle of an intersection. Just keep following the sidewalk.  Across this tangle of roads sits O'Shaughnessy Stadium on the University of St. Thomas campus.  Right about there at the curve is a white sign saying something like "Welcome Ice Climbers" and then a number of rules.  It's a rather large metal sign just in the woods off the sidewalk.  That sign sits on a trail.  Take that trail down into the ravine and follow it until you finally hear and see Shadow Falls.  Incidentally you can hear the falls from the overlook and there is a rather dangerous looking and steep small trail that leads down that way as well.

The trail is very rustic.  It is packed down mud and it crosses the creek a few times. You'll need to crawl over fallen trees and pick your way through either the water or the mud (depending of course when you go there could also be ice).  Some kind souls created little walkways for crossing the creek three or so times.

It's a short hike to the falls depending on your point of view.  It's very scenic and quiet and there were far fewer folks down here than up top.  A few spots are very narrow and right along the edge of the steep ravine.  You cross the Shadow Falls Creek quite a few times which my dog thought was the bomb!  Oh dirty muddy little dog what will I do with you?  The creek is more than a trickle but not by a whole lot so the falls aren't ginormous but they are peaceful and sweet.  You can hear joggers and bikers up top yet you are surrounded by nature and her relaxing beauty.

You finally get to a point at the top along the trail where you see the falls.  I ventured half way down before I slipped and crashed on my tail and decided it was in my best interests to not go down to the ravine floor on this day.  Ended up slamming my butt onto a tree root and took that opportunity to sit and catch the breath that had left me.  The mud was like cement; super sticky and thick and slick.  So another time I will go to the bottom and I bet it is even more serene and wonderful looking up at the waterfall.  The waterfall is not mighty but worth the short jaunt to see it.
Continuing on the trail past the falls you come to a bit of a clearing to look down the Mississippi.  There is another unofficial trail that leads up from this point back to the sidewalk so you have time to walk the mud off your shoes as well as the dogs feet and time for the dog to get slightly dry before jumping back in the car.

Should you have the time and energy, a stroll through St. Thomas is recommended. If you don't have time for the whole thing just jump over by the stadium and walk to the fountain.  At least in spring it is surrounded by gorgeous buildings and purple flowers. It's a lovely campus.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Peanuts Quest

The City of St. Paul created a number of tributes to native son Charles Shulz. There were a hundreds of statues each year, decorated by local artists and placed around the metro - called Peanuts on Parade.  The first Peanuts on Parade was Snoopy in 2000. 2001 = Charlie Brown About Town; 2002 = Looking for Lucy; 2003 = Linus Blankets Saint Paul; 2004 = Doghouse Days of Summer.  They were auctioned off at the end of each summer and many were sold to private collectors.  But, there are enough still around to make a fun quest.  There were plaques on each indicating the name of the statue and who the artist and sponsor was. Many of those have been removed or worn away for one reason or another so I pick up pieces from other blogs to try to determine the names of those without the plaques.

Apparently Santa Rosa, Calif. picked up where St. Paul left off and had a series of their own Peanuts on Parade statues - so if you get to California....and Snoopy the Astronaut is at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

So my quest began.  Adding a twist of difficulty some appear to move so where I found some may not be where you will find them...

Lucy at St. John's with Diamonds is found in the main entrance at St. John's Hospital in Maplewood. St. John's is at 1575 Beam Avenue, Maplewood, MN. From Highway MN-36 take US-61 N to Beam Avenue (on the right at the light).  Turn left just past the Costco on Hazelwood Street. Go up to St. John's Blvd and if you park in the lot directly on the left walk across towards the Heart Care Center but go to the main entrance (just follow the sidewalk).  If you find valet parking you are very close!  She's found in the breezeway so you don't have to hunt around at all!

Work Zone Charlie Brown is in the lobby of the Department of Transportation at the Water's Edge Building on County Road B2 West, Roseville, MN.  There is ample parking at the DOT which is near the Snelling Avenue intersection and just east of Rosedale Mall. Just go in the main entrance and you'll see Chuck.  There is a reception desk but I just told the guy that I was there to take a picture of Charlie Brown and he waved me on barely able to control rolling his eyes :) - it's right in the lobby near the reception desk.  Apparently Chuck travels to the fair each year too.

No Luck at the Lake found outside of Joe's Sporting Goods 33 County Road B East, Little Canada, MN. Joe's can be found just off of Highway MN-36 at the Rice Street exit.  Cub Foods is on Rice and County Road B. Go past Cub on B and Joe's is not far - on the left.  It sits outside and is easy to find.

Supposedly there is a Snoopy at the corner of Finn and Grand on or right near the University of St. Thomas. Found the location but couldn't locate Snoopy.  Unless it's not outside anymore.  This one was called St. Thomas' Snoopy and was decorated with tons of images and donated to the university by an alumnus.  Apparently there have been vandalism attacks against it in the past so it was probably removed once again by the university and put in storage. Sad.

I Love Sleepy Eye found a few hours southwest of the metro in the burg of Sleepy Eye. The western end of Highway 14 (known as Main Street in Sleepy Eye) sits the cute little Dyckman Free Library.  Right on Main Street sits Linus.  Hard to miss? Well maybe, but I missed it my first trek through town. :) So, if you are head west and find you run out of city turn yourself around and I bet you'll find him! He is directly across from Hardee's and kitty corner from a few gas stations. 

Renaissance Dog and Stargazing both Snoopy statues found at the St. Paul Public Library - Rice Street Branch.  The Snoopy's look out at Rice Street and there is a parking lot at the corner of Rice and Hatch St. The address is 1011 Rice Street. I went early on a bright sunny day so the reflections of the windows produced less than ideal conditions for taking pictures.

Renaissance Dog
Remember, Restore, Rejoice and (maybe) Bound to Be Linus are part of the Premiere Bank gang. Apparently these rotate between Premiere Bank branches so you might not always find them where I did.  These were found at the Premiere Bank at White Bear Avenue and Beam Street in Maplewood.  It is directly across the street from Walgreens.  You need to turn on Beam as they sit at the entrance off the parking lot.

Remember, Restore, Rejoice
Bound to be Linus (unsure if that's the name)
Lucy Loves Chocolate and Swirlie Charlie were a drive by, hey, look! moment.  Seen as I was on the on ramp to get from Hwy 61 South to Hwy 36 West I had to backtrack to figure out how to get to them. The address is 1081 Highway 36 but you need to take a frontage road to gain access. While on Hwy 61 south heading towards the 36 junction there is a frontage road on the right. Take that to the left and drive all the way around past the big curve. The Whitaker Sports and Import Cars building is on the right - if you keep going you'll be able to hit the onramp for Hwy 36 W.
Swirlie Charlie
Lucy Loves Chocolate