Monday, January 18, 2016

45th Parallel

1st stop: The 45th parallel which is the line of latitude bisecting the Northern Hemisphere; exactly half way between the Equator and North Pole:  45 degrees north of the Equator and 45 degrees south of the North Pole.  There is a boulder with plaque near Community Park in Falcon Heights (north of the Twin Cities). Park at Community Park, located at the corner of Cleveland Ave N and Roselawn Ave W, and walk up Cleveland Ave towards the residences (away from the park) on the side of street with the sidewalk. Very shortly you will pass Loren Avenue and there sits a boulder which marks the spot.  I nearly walked right past it. The 45th parallel is said to run through Roseville so Roselawn Ave must mark the city border with Falcon Heights.  Pretty cool.

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