Sunday, July 31, 2016

Hidden Falls

Hidden Falls is a sweet isolated waterfall that didn't have much of any traffic while I was there. It is spring fed and has an isolated as well as old timey feel to it. Back in the 1930's they developed the area to a certain extent - creating walls and stairs and such.  It's really quite neat. I guess it's right across the river from Minnehaha Falls Park but I couldn't tell. :)

It is hidden in that you need to take the correct path - there is no sign saying waterfall this way.  I parked in lot at the north gate. From Mississippi River Blvd turn down the big hill when you see the sign for Hidden Falls Park North Gate. It is right near Magoffin Avenue...depending on which direction you are coming from it's either immediately before or immediately after this road.  Park in the first lot and you'll see a building that has bathrooms. I'd recommend bug spray before you leave the lot as there were plenty of mosquitos. 

Walk past the structure into the tree line where you see a path in between the trees. Take this path and just walk. It is not especially far however it's not really very accessible so keep that in mind if you have issues walking.  For someone without any issues you'll not even notice other than watching where you step as some of the stones jut out.  You'll come to a tall winding staircase. Go past this to see the falls but definitely go up and see the falls from the top. The stairs are pretty. It takes you up to Mississippi River Blvd and the paved combination running/biking trail that winds along this street.
Staircase leading out of the ravine
From the top
There are other paths in the park that will take you along the Mississippi River.  You aren't far from Minnehaha Falls and Shadow Falls isn't too far away either.  I'm not sure if any of the other paths take you back to the parking lot though. You are a long way up at the top compared to where you were at the parking lot when you were at river level.  There are lots of mini falls along the way. 
It was very peaceful and a great way to enjoy your Sunday morning.

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